30 Sep

It is generally accepted that barriers to the free flow of goods and services between the member states of a regional economic arrangement need to be eliminated to mitigate against the failures that seem to plague some regional integration efforts, especially in Africa. One significant barrier to the free flow of goods and services is the non-acceptance of conformity assessment results (CAR) between trading economies. The free flow of goods and services is imperative for trade and regional integration success.

 When analyzing Regional Economic Arrangement systems in Africa, it is essential to understand that such systems are conceptualized within the context of limited skilled human and financial resources, inadequate enabling infrastructure, little political will, mistrust between the member states and split loyalty due to overlapping memberships. Most member states are categorized as developing (emerging) and least developing economies, mainly producing and exporting primary goods.

Judged by the increasing conformity assessment specific trade concerns (STCs) before the World Trade Organisation (WTO), there is a growing international appreciation for the contribution that Conformity Assessment Procedures (CAP) can make to the economic welfare objective of a regional arrangement. However, there is also a realization that the Mutual Acceptance of Conformity Assessment Results (MACAR) is more complicated than initially envisaged. Therefore, it is not surprising that the rejection of the MACAR could lead to mistrust and fear. Priority must be given to address the challenges to the MACAR within the regional integration initiatives. If the regions are serious about the economic welfare gains through the uninterrupted flow of goods and services between them, it becomes necessary that the impact of the international, regional and national environments be appreciated. 

The REC’s and Member States will have to substantially invest in inclusiveness, communication, infrastructure, monitoring and control  and human resource capital, to enable the MACAR that provides the required trust in the goods and services flowing between member states which requires the enactment and implementation of the MACAR and thus the ultimate welfare gain envisaged by regional integration arrangements..

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