The agreement is guided by the relevant standard(s) and the requirements specified in the assignment plan/programme. The purpose of the agreement is to ensure on the services and deliverables to be provided and to establish rights and obligations for each party.

On a positive outcome of the pre-engagement process, the client will be issued with a formal contract that will be binding on both parties. The Q-edge Plus contract QPP……… shall be accepted by both parties as acceptance of compliance to the requirements, which includes providing access to venue, documentation and personnel, provision for observer, where applicable, and compliance with the rules of the Q-edge Plus concerning reference to the outcome and use of the Q-edge Plus mark(s) assignment, before any work further work is undertaken. (See par 9.3.2 for contract content)

Q-edge Plus remain responsible for any inputs that Q-edge Plus accepts as part of the assignment, including those generated by the client or set by the relevant programme and/or requirements (e.g. standard)

Once the contracting is signed by both parties, the planning phase starts